Discover Your Inner Strength and Embrace a Life of Boundless Possibilities!

Unlock the power Of Transformative Life Coaching And Reiki Healing

I specialise in a broad spectrum of areas encompassing health, spirituality, personal growth, and life enhancement.

Paul Redman Transformative Life Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher

Paul Redman

Embark on a transformative journey with my personalised life coaching and Reiki services. As a dedicated life coach and Reiki master, I offer a unique blend of guidance and healing to help you unlock your inner potential and find balance in your life.

My life coaching approach is tailored to your individual needs, empowering you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. With the gentle power of Reiki, I help you harmonise your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, emotional healing, or a deeper sense of peace, my services are designed to guide you towards a more fulfilled and enlightened life.



Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

Achieve personal goals, overcome obstacles, build self-esteem, and develop a positive mindset.


Set professional goals, develop a career path, improve work-life balance, and navigate workplace challenges.

Relationship Coaching

Improve your personal relationship, enhancing your communication, resolving conflicts, and building stronger, healthier connections with others.

How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

It all starts with a single first step.

Embark on a journey of transformation and healing! Whether you’re seeking guidance to navigate life’s challenges or looking to embrace the rejuvenating power of Reiki, we’re here to support you. Click ‘Contact Us’ to discover how our personalized life coaching and Reiki sessions can empower you to lead a more fulfilled and balanced life. Your path to wellness starts here!

Ready to start?

Click the button below to message and us and book a discovery call.

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Make a decision
Embark on your journey to self-improvement and holistic wellness. Decide to take that pivotal first step towards personal growth, be it through life coaching or Reiki. Your decision marks the beginning of a transformative path where change is not just possible, but within reach.
Schedule a meeting
Book your initial session at a time that suits your schedule. This meeting is a chance for us to connect, understand your goals, and lay the foundation for your personalized journey. It’s an opportunity for you to ask questions, express your aspirations, and start mapping out your path to transformation.
Show Commitment
Your commitment to this process is key. Regular sessions, either for life coaching or Reiki, require your active participation and openness to change. This commitment is not just to the sessions, but to yourself – to invest time, energy, and belief in your personal development and healing journey.
Transformation Completed
As you progress through our sessions, you’ll notice tangible changes in your mindset, energy, and overall well-being. The transformation is a gradual but profound journey, culminating in a renewed sense of self, clarity of purpose, and a deeper alignment with your life’s goals and values.


What People say


Ryan Murphy

Spiritual Mentoring

“Paul’s spiritual mentoring sessions have been a revelation for me. I’ve deepened my understanding of my spiritual path and found a profound sense of peace. Paul’s guidance is not only insightful but also compassionate and empathetic. He helped me connect with my inner self in ways I never thought possible.”


Jassica French


“The Reiki sessions with Paul have been a significant turning point for my well-being. The stress reduction and increase in inner calmness I’ve experienced are remarkable. Paul’s sessions are deeply relaxing and have been instrumental in balancing my energy levels. Each session leaves me feeling rejuvenated and harmoniously balanced.”


Sam Smith


“Initially skeptical about Reiki, my sessions with Paul have completely changed my perspective. His subtle yet powerful energy work has greatly improved my mental clarity and physical health. I’ve noticed a better quality of sleep and reduced anxiety. Paul is not only skilled but also creates an environment that truly enhances the healing process.


Jason Burner


“Paul’s life coaching sessions have truly transformed my approach to life. He helped me set realistic goals, understand my aspirations, and overcome personal barriers. His personalised, supportive, and motivating approach has left me feeling more confident and equipped to handle life’s challenges. With Paul’s help, I’m pursuing my dreams with newfound clarity and purpose.”

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